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Update Your Project Information

You may occasionally need to make changes to the information we have recorded for your project. Follow these simple instructions for

Changing your primary or alternate contact information or for Changing your project description and pictures on our website.


Changing your primary or alternate contact information

We are required to have at least one current contact available at all times for each project. Usually a quick response is not needed, but sometimes a bank or the IRS requires a rapid reply. This is why we ask for

  • A primary contact person.
  • An alternate contact person who will not travel with the primary, and will be reachable when the primary may be unavailable. The alternate may be someone who is not involved in the project but will be able to reach the primary or make a decision for the project if necessary.

Updating this is easy to do. Just

1.  Download Update Your Contact Info

2.  Fill in your new information.

3.  Email it to the address on the form.


Changing your project description and pictures on our website

You can view your project's current description by using the Current Projects tab. To make changes to this text or to the images

1.  Download Update Your Website Info

2.  Fill in your new information. Attach any pictures you would like to include, providing captions on the form.

3.  Email it to the address on the form.


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